Sunday, May 16, 2010

Upcoming New Chinese Books 《止觀輔行》 ─淨治睡眠與經行利益─

Perfecting the Practice of Samatha and Vipasssana – Overcoming Sleepiness and the Benefits of Walking Meditation

About the book:

This book consists of two dissertations, 
one written by Rev. Kai Ren and 
the other one written by TK Wen.

1.   淨治睡眠的禪修傳統
      The Use of Traditional Method to 
      Overcome Sleepiness During Meditation 
      by Rev. Kai Ren  

This is a discussion paper about how sleepiness (middha) can be overcome during meditation, by using methods based on the Sutta and the Abhidhamma.

2.  初期佛教的經行  兼論當代上座部佛教的行禪
     Discussion on the Early Buddhist Walking Meditation          
     and the Theravada Walking Meditation in Present Day  
     by TK Wen 

This is a study on the theory and the practical aspects of the early Buddhist walking meditation, mainly based on the facts found in Nikayas and Vinayas and it then relates to the applications as well as the benefits of practicing it. There was also a brief introduction on the present Theravada Traditional meditation taught by Mahasi Sayadaw. 

For those who are interested to know 
more about the book or those who wish to sponsor the book, 
please visit our Chinese Blog @