On July 2009, the House was very honoured to have Phra Mick Ratanapanyo all the way from Bangkok to Penang for three very interesting talks.
'A Show About Nothing - Buddhism: The Last Con' was about the meaning of life and the purpose of what we are living for, from a Buddhist's perspective.
'The Knowing Middle' was mainly talking about the practical approach based on the three simple rules - 1. let truth be truth 2. follow the truth without stumbling 3. no controlling or interfering.
'Quantum Buddhism' emphasize on feelings are the engine of rebirth and it took the topic further to various rebirths and frequencies.
His 'invasion' in Penang brought us through a very inspiring dhamma journey and shared with us lots of fruitful experiences to right understanding.
Phra Mick's dhamma talks will be available soon in this blog. Don't miss out!
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
With lots of metta,
Sobhana Tan